St. Clemt. Danes
Octr. 28th. 1756
At a Petit Session held in the Vestry Room of the said
Parish to pass the Scavengers Accompts for the Year 1754.
Francis Bedwell< no role >
Barthw. Hammond< no role >
Mr. Gabriel Shepherd< no role >
and Mr. William Plows< no role >
of Temple Bar
Ward produced their
Accounts by which there appeared to be a
Balance in their Hands of £5..2s..10d which
they paid down upon the Table & were discharged
there from}£5..2s..10d
Mr. Noah Barnard< no role >
and Mr. Peter Kirk< no role >
of Shire Lane
Ward produced their Accounts by
which there appeared to be a Balance in their
Hands of £33..12s..1d which they paid down upon
the Table & were discharged there from}£33..12s..1d
Mr. Henry Slater< no role >
and Mr. Thomas Figg< no role >
of Drury Lane
Ward produced their Accounts by
which there appeared to be a Balance in their
Hands of £33..13s..10d which they paid down upon
the Table and were discharged there from}£33..13s..10d
Mr. Richard Stamford< no role >
and Mr. Samuel Parry< no role >
of Hollywell Ward appeared and
was paid the Balance due to them of their
Accounts amounting to £1..2s..4d}