St. Clemt. Danes
March 20th. 1754
At a Petit Session held in the Vestry room of the
said Parish
Tho Lane< no role >
Barw. Hammond< no role >
Fras. Bedwell< no role >
Mr Wall Butcher Row
Mr Vitri Devereux Court
Mr Raisbeck Strand< no role >
Mr Rayner Norfolk Strt.
Mr. Charlton Fountain Ct.
Mr Susson Strand
Mr. Ware Milford Lane
Mr Brown Butcher row
Were Summoned to show cause why they refused to
pay their Poor rate 1753
but did not appear
Ann Lyell< no role >
Burleigh Street
John Lloyd< no role >
Change Court
Wm. Beech< no role >
Exeter Court
Were Excused their Rates on Accot. of
their Poverty