St Clemt. Danes
Decr. 21st. 1753
At a Petit Session held in the Vestry room
of the sd. Parish
Fras Bedwell< no role >
Barw Hammond< no role >
The Scavengers Accot. of Shire Lane
Ward for the year 1752 was Examined & passed
and they Paid in their Ballance being £5.9. [..]
The Scavengers of Temple
bar Wd. £2.4. [..]
The Scavengers of Royal wd-£3.9. [..]
The Scavengers of Middle wd-£6.6. [..]
17.10. [..]
The Scavebgers of Savey Ward
pd. in part of their Balance
5.0. [..]
22.10. [..]