St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

5th June 1749 - 11th October 1754

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362090278

Image 278 of 3674th October 1753

Resolved and agreed that Mr. Samuel Howard< no role > be
Continued Organist of this parish Church for the Year

A Motion made and Seconded & the Question put
whether Mr Henry Neve< no role > be appointed in the room
of Mr Bradley< no role > decd. to look after the Clock & Chymes
belonging to this parish Church and Windup and Clean
the Same for one Year as from Michs. last at the Yearly
Sallary of Twelve Pounds.

Carried in the Affirmative Nem Con

Resolved & Agreed that Mr. Henry Neve be
appointed in the room of Mr. Bradley deceased
to look after the Clock & Chymes belonging to this
Parish Church & Wind up and Clean the Same for one
Year from Michaelmas last at the Yearly Sallary
of Twelve Pounds

A Motion made & Seconded & the Question
put whether the Rate for the necessary releif of the
Poor for the 3d Qur. be made at 5 in the pound Rents

Carried in the affirmative
Nemine Contrad.

Resolved and agreed that the Rate for the necessary
releif of the poor for 3d. Qur. be made at 5d. in
the Pound Rents

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