St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

5th June 1749 - 11th October 1754

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362090130

Image 130 of 3671st May 1751

St. Clemt. Danes May 1st. 1751

Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the Church on
Sunday last to Nominate Twenty four persons in this
Parish to be Comrs. for the purposes mentioned in an Act
of Parliament made in the 23d Year of his present Majesty
Reign Intitled an Act for the more easy and speedy
Recovery of small Debts in the City and Liberty of Westmr.
and that part of the Dutchy of Lancaster which adjoined


Mr. Thomas Heath< no role >
Mr. William Gibbs< no role >

Mr. Thos. Coombe< no role >
Mr Saml. Burgess< no role >
Mr. Wm. Massey< no role >

Mr. Henry Freame< no role >
Mr. Abra. Heath< no role >
Mr. Henry Wallis< no role >
Mr Symon Pyke< no role >
Mr. Wm. Wilmot< no role >
Mr Hugh Davis< no role >
Mr Tho. Jones< no role >

The following Persons were Nominated and Assigned
to be Commissioners for the purposes mentioned in the
sd. Act of parliament for the more easy and Speedy
Recovery of small Debts within the City & Liberty of West

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