St. Clemt. Danes
Septr. 6th. 1750
Vestry present
Geo Fleming< no role >
Thos. Heath< no role >
Ch wds.
Mr. Symon Pyke< no role >
Mr. Hen. Wallis< no role >
Mr. Edwd Hilliard< no role >
Mr Rd Styles< no role >
Mr. Fox Kerry< no role >
Mr Henry Freame< no role >
Read and Auditted the Church wards.
Accot. for Buryals for the month of Augst.
last Amounting to}£14..9s.. [..]
At the same time read and Auditted
the Ovrs. of the poors Accot. for the Same
Month of Augt. amounting to}£182..1s.. [..]
Richd. Huggens< no role >
-Ordered no further releif
Richd. Williams< no role >
& wifeno further releif
Eliz Armstrong< no role >
no further releif
Marshno further releif
Sarah Jones< no role >
To be discharged the
Nurses & have 1s. prest.
Rachel Lee< no role >
1s. prest. releif