St Clemt. Danes
July 26th. 1750
A Meeting of the Trustees of the Estate in
to appoint a Committee to meet the Represnt
of the late Sr
John Stracey< no role >
to Treat about a Vacant Pa
of Ground Adjoyning to Mr Ems's two houses
Mr Geo Fleming< no role >
Mr Symon Pyke< no role >
Mr Thos. Heath< no role >
Mr Tho: Day< no role >
Mr Hen Freame< no role >
Agreed that Mr Church warden Fleming Mr. Thomas
Heath Mr Barthw. Hammond< no role >
& Mr. Thomas Day< no role >
or [..]
any three of them be a Committee to Treat about the
abovementioned peice of Ground, and that the sd.
Committee meet on Tuesday next at 5 in the Even [..]
at the Sun Tavern
in Clare Street Claremarket
or at any other time & Place they may think on of
proper & Report their proceedings to this board