St. Clemt. Danes
May 8th. 17 [..]
Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the
Church on Sunday last to Consider of a Rate for
the necessary releif of the poor for the Quarter d [..]
& Ending at Lady day last
Geo Flemming< no role >
Thos. Heath< no role >
Ch wds.
Abra Heath< no role >
Wm. Wilmot< no role >
Mr John Sear
Henry Wallis< no role >
Ovrs. of
the Poor
Mr Jas. Lambourn< no role >
Mr Henry Freame< no role >
Mr Geo Turner< no role >
Mr John Perins< no role >
Mr Philip Poole< no role >
Mr Hugh Davis< no role >
Mr Tho Warford< no role >
Mr Wm Bird< no role >
A Motion made and the Question put whether
the Rate for the necessary releif of the poor
for the Quarter due & Ending at Lady day last
be made after the rate of 4d. in the pound rents
in the Afirmative
Nemine Con
Resolved and Agreed that the Rate for the
necessary Releif of the poor for the Quarter d [..]
& Ending at Lady Day last be made at the Rate of
4d. in the pound Rents &c that the Clerk Rate the
books accordingly & produce the same to this bo [..]
on Thursday the 17th. Inst: at four of the Clock
in the Afternoon