St. Clemt. Danes
Octr. 5th.1749
Vestry met Pursuant to Notice given in the Church
on Sunday last to Consider of the Poors rate for
the third Quarter
The Rd Mr. Sandiford
John Perins< no role >
Geo Fleming< no role >
Ch: wds:
Mr. Cha: Buchanan< no role >
Mr. Evan Thomas< no role >
Mr. Tho. Bedwell< no role >
Mr. Wm. Bird< no role >
Mr. Geo. Westron< no role >
Mr. Tho. Heath< no role >
Mr. Nixon
Mr Tho Burnett< no role >
Mr Jas. Fletcher< no role >
Mr Benj. Pickering< no role >
Mr. Tho Warford< no role >
Mr Henry Freame< no role >
Mr Hugh Davis< no role >
Mr Abra Mombray< no role >
Mr Wm. Wilmott< no role >
Mr. Symon Pyke< no role >
Mr Richd. Styles< no role >
Mr Fox Kerry< no role >
Mr Richd. Brock< no role >
Mr Aug Webb< no role >
Read and Auditted the Churchwards.
Account of Buryals for the month of
September last amounting to}£5..3s..9d
At the same time read and Auditted
the Ovrs. Account for the same month
of Septr. amounting to}£218..1s..6d
Resolved and Agreed that the further Rate for the
necessary Relief of the Poor of their Parish for the 3d.
Qur. be at the Rate of 4d. in the pound Rent.