St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

13th July 1787 - 6th August 1795

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362050348

Image 348 of 3564th May 1795

Parish an Opportunity of Inspecting the Plans proposed
by the City for effecting such Improvement and to
Report their Opinion respecting same Notice is hereby
given that a Vestry will be held in the Vestry Room
of this Parish Tomorrow being Monday the Fourth day
of May Instant at Eleven of the Clock in the forenoon
To Consider the said Plans and Collect the Sense of the
Inhabitants Notice is also given that the said Plans
will lay at the Vestry Room Tomorrow and Tuesday from
Ten in the forenoon till Three OClock in the afternoon for
the Inspection of the Inhabitants

It was moved by Mr. Essex and Seconded by Mr
Marchant That the Thanks of this Vestry be given
to the Churchwardens for their Conduct relative to the
Proceedings upon the Bill for widening the Entrance
into the City near Temple Bar

The Question being Put
It was Carried unanimously

Signed the Rate for defraying the Expences of raising
the Volunteers pursuant to an Act of Parliament lately
Passed Intituled " An Act for raising a certain Number
of Men in the several Counties in England for the Service
of his Majestys Navy

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