"Respective Clauses &c thereof as Counsel shall advise
The Question being Put it was Carried
Resolved that the following gents do form such
His grace the Duke of Norfolk
His Grace the Duke of Newcastle
The Right Honble.. Lord Craven
The Rt. Honble.. Lord Wentworth
The Rt. Honble.. Lord Exeter
The Commissioners of Land
Tax who Attend the business
of this Parish
The Committee for Paving and
Lighting this Parish
The Principals of New Inn
Clements Inn
, and Lyons
Messrs.. Child & Co
Messrs. Denne & Co.
Messrs.. Turnings
The Revd. Mr. Vernon
Mr. Joyce.
Mr. Sivewright
Mr. Marshall
Mr. John Prince
Mr. Paybody
Mr. Prior
Mr. Oddy
Mr. Willis
Mr. Evans
Mr. Shard
Mr. Webb
Mr. Wood}Overseers
Mr. Collier-Treasurer
Dr. Browning
The Revd.. Dr. White
Mr. March
Mr. Essex
Mr. Gill
Mr. J. Wright
Mr. Bristol
Mr. Pedlingham
Mr. Robinson Junr.
Mr. Gardner
Mr. Barker
Mr. Sivewright
Mr. Dyer
Mr. Harris
Mr. Thos. Wright
Mr. Sanderson
Mr. Letch
Resolved that all Owners of Estates within the
Parish be at Liberty to Attend
Resolved that any Seven of the Committee be
Competent to Transact Business