was as follows
Saint Clement Danes
22d. March 1795
"Notice is hereby given that at a Vestry will be
"held in the Vestry Room of this Parish on Thursday
"next at Eleven OClock in the forenoon (where the Attendance
"of the Inhabitants is particularly requested) To take into
"Consideration a Bill Printed by the City of London and
"intended to be carried into Parliament for widening and
"improving the Entrance into the City of near Temple Bar
"by altering the Position of the Parish Church and Removing
"the Houses and Buildings in this Parish-Notice is also
"given that the said Bill lies at the Office of Mr. Jennings
"the Vestry Clerk of this Parish for the Inspection of any
"Inhabitant of the Parish
The Act of Parliament was gone into and
stated Clause by Clause when it appearing that there was
no certain Plan adopted but that the Act gave very great and
extensive Powers to the City of London without Painting out
the specific use to be made of one-It was moved by
"Mr. Turning and Seconded by Mr. Essex " That a
"Committee of the Inhabitants of this Parish of Freeholders
"of Parties Interested, and of the Commissioners of the
"Land Tax, and Paving and Lighting Committees be
"appointed To request from the City Of London the specific
"Plan they mean to pursue and to confer with the said City
"of London respecting the several Clauses Powers and
"Provisoes in the Bill by them Printed contained, and Report
"to Vestry what the Result of such Application and Conference is
"and in case the Present Bill as Printed cannot be Amended and
"modified in such way as to secure the Parochial and all other
"Rights of the Parties abovenamed-then To Petition Parliament
"against the said Bill in Toto or against the several and