[..] Remnant
[..] her Son
Mrs. Remnant applied to Request the Vestry would
Sign a Petition for leave for her Son James Remnant to
Transport himself
The same being Read
The Churchwardens Overseers and Inhabitants
present signed the same
Raden hursts.
plon abt.
Samuel Radenhurst< no role >
of Blackmoor Street
Applied to have his Apprentice brought to the Vestry and
Examined as to his Treatment towards her
He being bound over for Assaulting her the
Vestry would not interfere
engine keepers
for Boots.
Robert Edmunds< no role >
Philip Battison< no role >
The two Engine
Applied for New Boots
Referred to the Churchwardens
At this Meeting Mr. William Barker< no role >
the Collector
the Watch Rate proposed
[..] etit Collectors
Joseph Sumner< no role >
of Holywell Street
Woollen Draper
John Gill< no role >
of the Strand
Wine & Brandy Merchant
as his Securities for Receiving the Watch Rate and such
other Monies as he should Receive belonging to the said
Office of Collector and Treasurer of the watch Rate (being
well known) were
Unanimously accepted
Ordered that the Vestry Clerk prepare the usual Bond
and get the same executed