removed from the Alms Houses to the Workho [..]
she being very dirty and doubts entertained
of her belonging to this parish
Josh: Sumner< no role >
Saml: Oddy< no role >
St Clement Danes
5th Decr. 1793
Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the Church
on Sunday last
Mr Sumner Churchwarden in the Chair
Mr Dyer
Mr. Essex
Mr Allaway
Mr. Barker
Mr. Burnthwaite
Mr. Rust
Mr John George
Mr Carter Treas
Mr Gibbons
Mr Nurse Senr
Mr. Rosier
Mr. Wingrove
Mr. Nurse Junr.
The Revd.. Mr Lawrence, Curate
Audit Chns
Read and Audited the Churchwardens Accounts
amounting to the Sum of £4:9:6 for the Burials of the
Month of November last
Do Overseers
Also the Overseers Accounts of the Month of
November amounting to £329:6:1
Ann Effingham< no role >
proposed to
[..] up the
[..] in the
[..] }
Ann Effingham< no role >
ws proposed by Mr Oddy as a
object to be placed in the almshouse in the stead of Mr