the last Meeting may be Examined before the Board as to their Settlemts
State of Health, Capability to Work [..] t And such Order made respecting
them as shall be thought [..] t-And that an Entry may be made of the
Persons dying or Discharged in the general Register of the Poor in the
Secondly Ordered That such persons as are in the Workhouse
and may be desirous of going out to see their Friends or any other [..]
Purpose-do apply to the Master on the proceeding day before Eleven
O'Clock in the Forenoon And that he sett down their Names for the- [..]
Inspection of the Overseers that they may if they think proper give
directions for their being let out And that no person be permitted to go
out on any pretence whatsoever without such Order-And that Tuesdays
Thursdays and Sundays be the only Days on which such permission be
Thirdly That the Porter be allowed 1s/6d Pr Week for keeping the
Door And that be do not permit any person that shall be in the House
to go out of the same without an Order from the Overseers not permit any
Person to come into the House as a Visitor to any of the Paupers or
otherwise without such an Order nor permit any pauper to pass the
Hatch Door in the Passage
-And if he shall Act contrary to such Order
that he shall for the first Offence Forfeit a Fortnights pay-and for
the Second Offence on Complaint being made to the Board and
Substantiated he shall be discharged / and for the better discovering
when he shall so offend any person informing the Overseers thereof
shall on its being proved receive One Shilling as a Recompense
Fourthly Ordered that the Master Matron, Baker, and Mop
Yarn Manufactorer, do present to every Monthly Board an account
of what provisions Cloathing Stores or Materials have been received
by them since the last Meeting-And also an Estimate or Account of
what has been Used Expended or disposed of in their several departments
and what remains in their respective Possessions-And likewise an
Estimate of what Quantities of such Stores Cloathing or Materials will
be necessary for supplying the House till next Meeting-That the a [..]
Board may Consider the same and make such Order there upon as
they shall see requisite
Fifthly That no Overseer shall give Order for any provision Cloathing
Furniture Repairs Materials or other Matters or things whatsoever to