St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

17th September 1767 - 18th October 1776

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362030072

Image 72 of 50427th June 1768

St. Clemt. Danes June 27th. 1768

Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the
Church on Sunday last


Mr. Wm: Seager< no role > Ch: Wn:
Mr. John Perins< no role >
Mr. Geo: Coupland< no role >
Mr. Jno. Shepherd< no role >
Mr. Jno. Kirby< no role >

Mr. Wm. Bird< no role >
Mr. Wm: Taylor< no role >
Mr. John Carpue< no role >
Mr. John Baker< no role >
Mr. Moses Wingrove< no role >

Resolved and Agreed That the second Rate
for the necessary relief of the Poor of this Parish
for the present Year be at Six Pence in the Pound

And That the Vestry Clerk Rate
the Books accordingly

Ordd. That the Treasurer to the Overseers pay
£6..14..6 to Thos. Abney< no role > Esqr . of Ashby de la
Louch in Leicestershire being Money by him
paid to the Widow Fitchett and two Children
Certificate Persons there, by a former Order of
Vestry, the said Sum being due the 5th, day of this
Instant June

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