St. Clemt. Danes
May 10th. 1768
Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the
Church on Sunday last
Wm: Seager< no role >
Richd. Prior< no role >
John Shepherd< no role >
John Perins< no role >
John Kirby< no role >
Mr. Wm: Bird< no role >
Mr. Robt. Allen< no role >
Mr. John Warcup< no role >
Mr. Thos. Rust< no role >
Mr. Moses Wingrove< no role >
Mr. John Carpue< no role >
Mr. Thos. Tapper< no role >
Mr. Fras. Const
Resolved and Agreed That the first Rate
the necessary Relief of the Poor of this Parish
after the Rate of Six Pence in the Pound Re [..]
And That the Vestry Clerk make out the
Books accordingly
A letter form Richd. Stir< no role >
at Louth in Lincolnshire desiring the Officers of
Parish to grant him a Certificate acknowledg [..]
-self and family to be Inhabitants legally settled
this Parish otherwise the Officers of Louth will [..]
them by an Order of two Justices
Was read
Ordd. That the Vestry Clerk answer said Let [..]
and acquaint said Richard Stirridge< no role >
that it is [..]
standing Order of Vestry never to grant Certifi [..]
to any Person or Persons on any Account wha [..]