St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

23rd December 1760 - 14th September 1767

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362020387

Image 387 of 39729th July 1767

St. Clement Danes July 29th. 1767

At a Meeting of the Trustees of the
Holborn Estate belonging to this Parish


Bartholomew Hammond< no role > Esqr.
Mr. Thos. Heath< no role >

Mr. Wm: Massey< no role >
Mr. Wm. Seager< no role > }Churchwardens

A proposal from Mr. Frans. Hurlbatt< no role > concerning
Twenty six Hours late Mr. Coy's part of said Estate


Ordered that Mr. Dade of Holborn be desired
to survey said Houses and make an Estimate
thereof for the perusal of the Trustees

Ordered That the Vestry Clerk make Copies
of Mr. Hurlbatt's Proposal and deliver one to
each of the Trustees, together with an Abstract
of the Material parts of the Leases granted to
Mr. Coy

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