St. Clement Danes
June 18th. 1767
Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the
Church on Sunday last
Wm. Massey< no role >
Wm. Seager< no role >
Wm. Freke< no role >
Moses Wingrove< no role >
Fras. Const< no role >
Mr. Henry Wallis< no role >
Mr. Josh. Marshall< no role >
Mr. Wm. Nowlton< no role >
Mr. Wm. Taylor< no role >
Mr. Jno. Warcup
Mr. Robt. Williams< no role >
Mr. Geo. Westron< no role >
Mr. Sampn. Rainforth< no role > This name instance is in set 2588.
Mr. Thos. Oliver< no role >
Mr. Wm. Williams< no role >
Resolved and Agreed that the second Rate for the
necessary relief of the Poor of this Parish be after
the Rate of Five Pence in the Pound Rents.
Ordered That the Vestry Clerk rate the Books accordingly
Ordered That the Chimneys and necessary
belonging to the Alms houses be repaired in a
substantial Manner where thought necessary
Resolved Nem: Con: that the Old Engine belonging
to this Parish be forthwith sold for its utmost
Value to Mr. Brooks Engine Maker in Long Acre
The Revd. Mr. Iliff intending to quit the Curacy of
this Parish Church at Midsumr. next where by there
will be a Vacancy for a Preacher of the Monthly
Sunday Evening Lecture but Mr. Hiff having
signified his Intention to Mr. Churchwarden Massey
that if agreeable to the Parishioners he would continue
to preach the same
Resolved Nem: Con: that the
Churchwardens be requested to wait on the Rector to
desire him to grant the said Mr. Hiff the use of the
Pulpit to preach the said Monthly Sunday Evening
Lecture in