same day
A Doubt having arisen whether the Right of
appointing a Vestry keeper
is in the Vestry or upper
for the time being
The same having been debated
in this Vestry and the Churchwardens
having given up his pretensions
to that right
Agreed Nem: Con: that it remain a Standing
Order of this Vestry that in future the appointing
a Vestry keeper
is and shall remain the sole right
of the Inhabitants in a Vestry to be held for that
purpose pursuant to Notice given in the Church
Mr. Warford having resigned his
place of Steeple keeper
of this Parish Church.
Resolved Nem: Con: that Thos. Rayner< no role >
late a Beadle of this Parish be appointed Steeple
in the room of the said Mr. Warford.