St. Clement Danes
Octr. 2d. 1766
Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the Church
on Sunday last.
Henry Wallis< no role >
Wm: Massey< no role >
Ch. Wns:
Mr. Wm: Robinson< no role >
Mr. John Wright< no role >
Mr. Sampson Rainforth< no role > This name instance is in set 2588.
}Overseers of the Poor
Mr. Benjn. Ireland< no role >
Mr. Wm: Bird< no role >
Mr. Wm: Taylor< no role >
Mr. John Kerwood< no role >
Mr. Ralph Williams< no role >
Mr. Thos. Rust< no role >
Read & Auditted the Churchwarden's
Account of Burials for September last
Amounting to}£2..17s..8d
At the same time Read and Auditted the
Overseers of the Poor
's Account for the
same Month amounting to}£290..18s..8d
Resolved & agreed that the third Rate for the necessary
Relief of the Poor of this Parish for the present year
be after the Rate of Five Pence in the Pound Rents
Ordd, that the Vestry Clerk Rate the books
Ordered that the Vestry Clerk make out a List of
the Defaulters on the Poors Rate of last year and deliver
the same to the present Overseers of the Poor in order
that the same may be got in.