Same day
Streets of this Parish as abovementioned from Michs [..]
next to Lady day 1766 and that all the former Prop [..]
be Void and of no effect
in the Affirmative
Nemine Contradicente
Ordered that another Advertisement be inserted
in the Daily Advertiser and the Gazetteer for Persons
to deliver in Proposals sealed up to this Vestry on
Wednesday next at 6 o'Clock in the Evening for
cleansing the Streets of this Parish as abovement [..]
from Michs. next to Lady day 1766 and that all
the former Proposals be Void and of no effect
A Motion was made and the
Question put whether a Committee of Eleven Gentm.
be appointed to Examine into the Right Mr. Hutchin [..]
claims to Enjoy an Incroachment formerly made
by Mrs. Syms late a Raker
of this parish of Milford
Stairs added to her Dock (for which said. Incroachment
she and her Successors paid the Annual Sum of £4
to the Churchwardens for the use of said parish
till Mr. Hutchins took the said Premises and
since which said taking no Acknowledgement
has been made) or any other Incroachment there
or thereabouts and that any five of them be a
Quorum to make such Examination
in the Affirmative
Nemine Contradicente
Resolved and agreed that the following Gentlemen
be appointed a Committee for the above Purpose
and that they have Liberty from time to time to
meet and search such Books and Papers as they
shall have Occasion for, and Adjourn from time to
time as they shall see Convenient and that any fi [..]
of them be a Quorum (Vizt.)