St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

23rd December 1760 - 14th September 1767

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362020254

Image 254 of 39725th July 1765

Same day

The Proposal of John Matthews< no role > of the Horse
ferry Road Westmr. for cleansing that part of this
Parish as abovementioned for half a year
pursuant to the Advertisement at £120


The Proposal of Willm. Hutchins< no role > of the Parish
of St. Clement Danes for cleansing that part of
this Parish as abovementioned pursuant to the
Advertisement at £150


A Motion made and the Question put
whether a Vestry be called to enquire into the right
Mr Hutchins Claims to an Incroachment
formerly made by Mrs. Syms (late a Raker of
this Parish) at Milford Stairs and that Mr.
Hutchins have Notice what Rent he is in

Carried in the Affirmative
Nemine Contradicente

Resolved And Agreed that a Vestry be held on
Wednesday next the 31st. Instant at 5 of
the Clock in the afternoon in the Vestry room
of this Parish for the said Purpose and to take
into consideration the abovementioned proposal

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