Same day
At the same time the Undermentioned poor Sufferers
by the said fire delivered in an Account of their sevl.
Losses which this Committee Settled and Computed &
paid a Dividend as Underwritten
Losses settled
and Computed{Dividends
paid to the
Sufferers after
the Rate of 12s.
in the Pound
Martha Aylmer< no role >
£2d..10s..- £1..10s:-
John Airey£7..0s..0d £4..4s..-
Geo: Bason< no role >
(the Beadle)£15..0s..0d £9..0s..0d
Henry Bromage< no role >
£5..0s..0d £3..0s..0d
Mrs. Chambers£4..0s..0d £2.. 8s..-
Mr. Potter£5..0s..0d £3..0s..0d
Mr. Fawkes£5..0s..0d £3..0s..0d
Mrs. Hicks£4..0s..0d £2.. 8s..-
Abigail Somerville< no role >
£2..0s..0d £1..4s..-
Mr. Usher£18..0s..0d £10..16s..0d
Isabella Powell< no role >
£8..0s.. 0d £4..16s..0d
Wm: Walker< no role >
£3..10s..- £2..2s..-
£79..0s..0d £47..8s..-
Gave Mrs. Jewell as & the other side£6..6s..-
Do. Mr. Freer£5..5s..-
Gave Geo: Bason< no role >
the Beadle the
Odd Money which remained after
making the above distribution being}-..2s..1d