St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

23rd December 1760 - 14th September 1767

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362020252

Image 252 of 39722nd July 1765

Same day

At the same time the Undermentioned poor Sufferers
by the said fire delivered in an Account of their sevl.
Losses which this Committee Settled and Computed &
paid a Dividend as Underwritten

Losses settled
and Computed{Dividends
paid to the
Sufferers after
the Rate of 12s.
in the Pound

Martha Aylmer< no role > £2d..10s..- £1..10s:-
John Airey£7..0s..0d £4..4s..-
Geo: Bason< no role > (the Beadle)£15..0s..0d £9..0s..0d
Henry Bromage< no role > £5..0s..0d £3..0s..0d
Mrs. Chambers£4..0s..0d £2.. 8s..-
Mr. Potter£5..0s..0d £3..0s..0d
Mr. Fawkes£5..0s..0d £3..0s..0d
Mrs. Hicks£4..0s..0d £2.. 8s..-
Abigail Somerville< no role > £2..0s..0d £1..4s..-
Mr. Usher£18..0s..0d £10..16s..0d
Isabella Powell< no role > £8..0s.. 0d £4..16s..0d
Wm: Walker< no role > £3..10s..- £2..2s..-
£79..0s..0d £47..8s..-

Gave Mrs. Jewell as & the other side£6..6s..-
Do. Mr. Freer£5..5s..-

Gave Geo: Bason< no role > the Beadle the
Odd Money which remained after
making the above distribution being}-..2s..1d

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