St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

23rd December 1760 - 14th September 1767

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362020249

Image 249 of 39722nd July 1765

Same day

A Motion made and Seconded and the
Question put whether an Advertisement be
inserted in the Daily Advertiser the Public
Advertiser and the Gazetteer for Persons to
deliver in Proposals Sealed up to this Vestry on
Thursday the 25th. day of this Instant July
at 6 o'Clock in the Afternoon for cleansing
the Streets &c, of this parish which the Commissioners do not take
under their care

Carried in the Affirmative
Nem Con

Ordd. that an Advertisement be in inserted in
the Daily advertiser the Public Advertiser &
the Gazetteer for Persons to deliver in Proposals
Sealed up to this Vestry on Thursday the 25th.
day of this Instant July at 6 o'Clock in the
Afternoon for cleansing the Streets &c of this
Parish which the Comrs. do not take under
their Care and that the said Advertisement be
inserted three times in Each Paper And for
Particulars to Enquire of the Vestry Clerk

Resolved and Agreed that the Rate for
cleansing the Streets &c of this Parish which
the Commissioners for paving &c do not take
under their Care be after the Rate of Three
Pence in the Pound Rents and that the
Vestry Clerk rate the Books accordingly,

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