St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

23rd December 1760 - 14th September 1767

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362020248

Image 248 of 39722nd July 1765

St. Clement Danes
22d. of July 1765 .}

Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the Church
on Sunday last to receive a report of what Monies were
collected for the Poor Sufferers by the late fires at Rotherhithe
and in Surry Street and to appoint a Committee to
make a distribution of the same


Mr. Wm: Wilmot< no role >
Mr. Henry Wallis< no role >
Ch: Wns:

Mr. Drake Pollord< no role >
Mr. Robt. Allen< no role >
Mr. Richd. Jones< no role >
Mr. Jno. Herwood< no role >
Mr. Wm: Taylor< no role >
Mr. Richd. Prior< no role >
Mr. Wm: Barber< no role >

Mr. Wm: Elvins< no role >
Mr. Andrew Pearson< no role >

Mr. Chas. Marr< no role >
Mr. Thos. Beaty< no role >
Mr. Thos. Tapper< no role >

Mr. Geo. Westron< no role >
Mr. Lancelot Burton< no role >
Mr. John Warcup< no role >
Mr. Thos.Burnett< no role >

Mr. Churchwarden Wilmot reported that there was
collected at the Church doors on the Charity Sermon
the Sum of£44..4..10

By Donations from the Free Mason's Lodge
held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern

By Donations from private handS11..17..3

Out of which said Sum of £61..7..1, there
was paid for printing Hymns &c

remained in hand to be distributed £59..11..1

A Letter from Mr. Andrews of Rotherhith
acquainting this Board they had collected a
Sufficiency to Answer the claims of the uninsured
Poor sufferers at the said fire


turn over

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