Same day
We whose Names are hereunto subscribed
Overseers of the Poor
for the Year 1765, do hereby
own and Acknowledge to have received of and
from Messrs. Isaac Hayes< no role >
Robert Moore< no role >
Hunsdon< no role >
and William Shergold< no role >
of the
Poor for the Year 1764, the Sum of One hundred
Pounds for which said Sum of One hundred
Pounds they gave their Note of hand bearing
date the Second day of May 1764 payable to
the Churchwardens or their Successors, which
said Note of hand is either lost or Mislaid.
Chas: Marr< no role >
Wm. Litchiner< no role >
Jno. Tapper< no role >
Same day
We whose Names are hereunto subscribed Church
Wardens of the Parish of St. Clement Danes
the County of Middx, do hereby own and acknowledge
to have received of and from Messrs. Isaac Hayes< no role >
Robert Moore< no role >
Edward Hunsdon< no role >
and Wm: Shergold< no role >
Overseers of the Poor
of the said Parish for the Year 1764
the Sum of One hundred Pounds for which said Sum
of One hundred Pounds they gave their Note of hand
bearing date the 2d. day of May 1764 payable to us
or our successors which said Note of hand is either
lost or Mislaid
Wm Wilmot< no role >
Hent. Wallis< no role >