St. Clement Danes
Octr. 25th. 1764
At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Estate
on Addle hill
pursuant to Notice
Barthw. Hammond< no role >
Mr. Richd. Stiles< no role >
Mr. Wm: Wilmot< no role >
Mr. Edwd. Hilliard< no role >
Mr. Henry Wallis< no role >
Agreed that Mr. Benjn. Worthey< no role >
have a
Lease of the Ground on Addle hill
for Twenty
from Christmas 1764, at the Yearly Ground rent
of £10 clear of all Taxes.
I Benjamin Worthey< no role >
do hereby consent
to take a Lease of the abovementioned premises
for the Term of Twenty one Years and to execute
a Counterpart thereof at the Yearly Ground rent
of £10 clear of all Taxes and to leave all such
Erections and Buildings that shall be Erected &
Built upon the premises during the last five
Years of the said Term of Twenty one Years,
Ben Worthey< no role >