St. Clemt. Danes
Octr. 23d. 1764
Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the
Church on Sunday last
Mr. Richd. Stiles< no role >
Mr. Wm: Wilmot< no role >
Mr. Edwd. Hunsdon< no role >
Mr. Wm: Brown< no role >
Mr. Isaac Hayes< no role >
Mr. Robt. Moore< no role >
}Overseers of the poor
Mr. Wm: Bird< no role >
Mr. Anthony Wilkinson< no role >
Mr. John Prince< no role >
Mr. Drake Pollord< no role >
Mr. Wm: Massey< no role >
Mr. Thos. Rust< no role >
Mr. Wm: Taylor< no role >
Mr. Thos. Oliver< no role >
Mr. Ralph Williams< no role >
Mr. Richd. Jones< no role >
Signed the Poor's Rate for the third
Quarter at 6d. in the Pound Rents.
Assigned over the Plate and Utensils to Mr. Stiles
now Upper Churchwarden