St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

5th January 1779 - 5th October 1790

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361030156

Image 156 of 22210th July 1787

The Proposals of Messrs. Sears & Luff when Mr. Luff
proposed serving Beef & Breasts of Mutton at1s..11d
Legs of Mutton Suet & the Masters Meat2s.7d P month

Mr. Sears proposed serving as follows
Beef P Stone2s
Mutton Breasts2s..4d
Masters Meat Legs of Mutton & Suett3s -
when the Average was taken and Mr. Luff being found
to be the lowest It was resolved and Agreed that he do
serve the Poor in the Workhouse to the 12th. July 1788
according to his above Proposals upon his Signing a
Contract and finding security for the Performance
which he did accordingly

This being also a Meeting to Contract for Butter and
Cheese for the use of the Poor in the Workhouse to the 20th.
day of July 1788 and Mr. Lock having made the lowest
Proposal Vizt. - Good Salt Butter Scraped and Wired
at30s P. Firkin
Good Gloucester Cheese at38 P. Cwt
It was therefore Resolved That he do serve the Poor in
the Workhouse upon his signing the regular Contract
and giving Security for the performance of it
which he did accordingly

Ordd. for the Master

A Piece of Bed Sacking - Mens & Womans Cloaths from
Rag Fair

Ordd. for the Matron

Dowlas 7/8 Wide for Mens & Womens Shirts & Shifts
6/4 Check for Womens Aprons - Check Handfs. 7/8 Wide
Stockings for Women Girls & Boys - Check 1/8 Wide
for Pinafores - 1 Cwt Hard Soap - 14 lb. Safe Cap
Ordd. that an Advertizement be inserted for some
Person to employ the Poor

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