Saint Clement
At a Meeting of the Committee
Elected and appointed pursuant
to the Act of Parliament & for
better Paving Cleansing and
Lighting this Parish Etc held in
the Vestry Room the Sixth day
of February 1795
Mr Burnthwaitein the Chair
Mr WingroveMr Pennington
The Minutes of the last meeting
read and confirmed
Read the returns of the Inspectors of Lamps
Ordered that the Churchwardens be request
to hold a Vestry on Thursday next or within [..]
days then next between the hours of Ten in the
Morning and Two in the afternoon for the Electing
and appointing Twenty One Persons being Househ
and resident in this Parish and who are Assessment
to and pay their respective Shares of the Rates or
Assessments made by virtue of the Act of
Parliament for better Paving Etc this Parish Etc
which 21 Persons are to be a Committee for the
better and more effectual Carrying the said Act
into Execution
Jos Burnthwaite< no role >