Saint Clement
At a Meeting of the Committee
Elected and appointed pursuant
the Act of Parliament for better
Paving repairing Cleansing and
Lighting this Parish Etc held in the
Vestry Room on Tuesday the 18th
day of November 1794
Mr. Burnthwaitein the Chair
Mr RustMr Sumner
Mr WingroveMr Rosier
Mr. CoxMr. Prince
Mr. JohnstonMr. Williams
Mr BirdMr Pennington
The Minutes of the last meeting read and
Read the returns of the Inspector of
Paving and also the Inspectors of Lamps
The Committee Examined Benjamin
Marshall their Collector on Oath to and settled
the Account of the further or Additional Rates
in the Optional Streets for One Year to Lady
day last upon which there appears to be due
from the Collector to Ballance the same £4:8s:3d