Saint Clemet
At a meeting of the Committee
Elected and appointed pursuant
to the Act of Parliament for better
Paving Cleansing and Lighting
this Parish Etc held in the Vestry
Room the 16th day of November 1792
Present{ Mr. Kithchinerin the Chair
Mr. BurnthwaiteMr. Williams
Mr. NurseMr. Rust
Mr. Wingrove
The Minutes of the last meeting read & Confirmed
Read the Returns of the Inspectors of Paving
The Committed Examined John George< no role >
their Collector on Oath to and setled the Account
of the further on Additional Rates for One Year
to Lady day last upon Which them appears
to be due from the said John George< no role >
to Ballance
Ordered that a Copy of such Account be
transmitted to the Trustees pursuant to the Act
The Owners of the House No.10 Houghton
Street by Mr. Forrester of Terminals Inn
requesting leave to extend the Cellar way
Resolved that Mr. Wingrove Mr. Nurse Mr. Williams
and Mr Rust be requested to view & Report their
Wm. Kitchiner< no role >