Parish of Saint
Clement Danes}
At a Meeting of the Committee for Paving Elected
and appointed pursuant to an Act of Parliament
in the Vestry Room of Saint Clement Danes
18th August 1775
PresentMr. Vaughanin the Chair
Mr. PontenMr. Rainforth
Mr StichallMr. Williams
The Minutes of the last Meeting Read and confirmed
A Petition from Mr. John Browning< no role >
Owner of several House
in New Inn Passage
and Houghton Street
being Read Ordered
that this Committee now view the same and that the Clerk
enquire whether the Commissioners at Westminster
or other
Committees do increase the Rate upon Buildings being imp [..]
Mr. William Arpin attending and complaining of the
Water Overflowing his House when a hasty Rain happens, Orders
that this Committee view the same
Mr. Nixon the Inspector being Sworn returns that a little
Repair is wanting in Sheffield Street Ordered that the same
be forthwith done
Adjourned to the 1st.. September next at
Six o'Clock
Geo: Vaughan< no role >