St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

17th April 1771 - 15th December 1775

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361000024

Image 24 of 27924th June 1771

This Committee having in Pursuance of the Commissioners Order
of the 3d. Instant Advertised for a Contract or Contracts for Paving Milford
Lane and little Essex Street with Pebbles and the Footways with Purbec
and Moore Stone Kirb and Clare Court with a flat foot Paveing not less than
two Inches and a half thick & Mr. John Horobin< no role > and Mr. Jonathan Raine< no role >
having proposed to do the twelve Inch Moore Stone Kirb Running
Measure at 1s..9d P foot New Purbec Paveing at 5s..1d P Yard Square
New Yorkshire Paveing at 5s P Yard Square Old Paveing Square
and Relaid at 0s 9d P Yard Square, Purbeck Squares from 5 to 7
thick at 6s Per Square Yard It is Ordered that this Commit
do Enter into Contract with the said John Horobin< no role > and Jonathan Raine< no role >
for so much Work as shall be done in the said Street [..] Lane
and Court at such Prices as before mentioned and this Committee
the said John Horobin< no role > and Jonathan Raine< no role > executed a Contract

Mr. Thomas Lovett< no role > and Mr. Willm Meredith< no role > having proposed to take
up the Pavement in Milford Lane and little Essex Street and to Charge
for Old Pebbles Relaid at 1s..4d P Yard Square to find such Pebbles
as shall be wanting from 9 to 12 Inches Deep at 5s..2d P Yard Square
and Mr. Matthew Wood< no role > having proposed to Relay the Carriage way
the said Lane and Street at 10d P Square Yard And the said Comm
having taken the said several Proposals into Consideration and Etc
said Lovett and Meredith having agreed to lower their Price of Relay
to 1s and New Paveing to 5s P Yard Square It is Ordered that the
Committee do Enter into Contract with the said Lovett and Meredith
at One Shilling for Relaying and five Shillings for Neur Paveing
the said Lane and Street and the said Thomas Lovett< no role > Willm Meredith< no role >
and this Committee accordingly Executed a Contract

The Inspector having returned to this Committee that the Pavement
in the Carriage way of Worcester Street is greatly out of Repair
It is Ordered that Mr. William Meredith do forthwith repair. the same
who being present agreed to do the same Repair at the following
Prices for Relaying 9d P Yard Square and for New Paveing with Stone of
Eight Inches Deep 4s.

Ordered that Mr. Higley be Carpenter, Mr. Bromley
Smith, Mr. Parry be Bricklayer, Mr. Buddle be Mason and [..]
Burton be Plumber to this Committee and that the Clerk

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