Saint Clement Danes
to wit
Margt. Cole< no role >
aged about 33 years upon her
Oath saith that in the year 1775 she Intermarried
John Cole< no role >
(who this Dept. has not seen for these 9 years
last past) at the Parish Church of Padston
in the County
of Cornwall
that she hath three Children livy. by he
said Husband vizt.
John< no role >
aged about 11 years
Sarah< no role >
aged about 9 years and
Benjn.< no role >
aged upwards of 6 years
all of whom are provided for that her said Husband
Rented and lived in a House in Great Shire Lane
the Parish of St. Clement Danes
in the County of Middx
for 8
Yearsmonths & upwards at the yearly Rent of £14 that he hath
quitted said House about 7 years since which time
has been at Sea and done no Act to gain a Subsequent
Settlement And further this Ext. upon her Voluntary
Oath saith that she is pregnant with Child or Children
which is or are likely to be born a Bastard or Bastards
and to become Chargeable to the sd. Parish of St. Clement
That one
John Williamson< no role >
a Journeyman
Taylor who lately worked with Mrs. Merch a Taylores
whoin Dukes Court St. Martins Lane
is the father th
he having had Carnal knowledge of this Exts. Bo
sometime in the Month of June last past and
sevl. times since at one of which times he did be
the said Child or Children of which she is now
pregnant And that the said
John Williamson< no role >
is the
only real and true father thereof
Sworn this 24th.
day of Febry. 1787
} R Butler
Margt. [mark] Cole< no role >