Isabella Surridge< no role >
Aged upwards of Eighteen Yrs.
on her Oath Says She is the Wife
Surridge< no role >
(gone from her) with whom She Intermarried
in the Parish Church of St Botolph without Aldgate Londn
on the Twenty first Day of Decr: One thousand Seven
hundred and Sixty Seven Says her said Husband
never Rented House paid Taxes was an Apprentice
or lived a hired Yearly Servant for one Year to the knowledge
or belief of this Examinant Says her sd Husband
Rented and lived in a House in Pellys Court Hanway
Street in the Parish of St Mary Le Bone
for some
Years but how many this Examinant cannot Say
at the Yearly Rent of Ten pounds or thereabouts and
that her said Husband was born in the said Parish
of Saint Mary Le Bone
as this Examinant
has been Informed by Several persons in the
Neighbourhood and which Information She verily
believes to be true And further Says that She hath
not Since her said Husbands Absconding done any
Act whereby to gain a Subsequent Settlement
Sworn this 22d. Day of Decr
Before me W Kylynge Thos Kynaston< no role >
Isabella [mark] Surridge
Witness Petr Sidebotham