St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

18th October 1763 - 5th March 1766

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358200073

Image 73 of 36426th February 1764


Wm Collinson< no role > Aged about 43 Years upon
Oath Says he Intermarried with his Wife
Mary < no role > in the Parish Church of St. George
Hanover Square in the Liberty of Westminster
about Nineteen Years ago who has been Dead
about Eight Years Says that whilst he was
Widower and without Child or Children
he Lived a Hired Yearly Servant with Mr.
Grubb a Distiller in Clare Markett in the
Parish of St. Clement Danes in the Liberty
of Westmr. upwards of One Year at the Yearly
Wages of Eight Pounds hath quitted said
Service about Six Years and hath not since
Rented house paid Taxes or lived a hired Yearly
Servant for One Year

Sworn the 26 Day of
February 1764 Before}

Upon Mr Williams Complt
Ovr. J. W

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