St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

20th June 1757 - 5th October 1763

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358190235

Image 235 of 38813th March 1762

to wit}

Elizabeth Fitchett< no role > Aged about 39 years upon Oath says
she intermarried with her late Husband Francis Fitchett< no role > in
the Parish Church of Saint Bennetts Paul's Wharf London
about twelve Years since and hath by him four Children all
now living (to wit) John< no role > Aged upwards of Ten years, Elizabeth< no role >
aged upwards of Eight years, Mary< no role > Aged upwards of Seven
years And Francis< no role > Aged upwards of six years, Say's her
said husband rented a publick house known by the sign of
Ben Johnsons head in Wych Street in the Parish of St. Clement
Danes in the liberty of Westminster and County of
Middlesex of the yearly rent of Twenty two pounds, and
lived in the same about three years and there died
Say's she hath since her said husbands Death rented a small
house at Ashby Dela Zouch in Leicestershire of the yearly rent
of three Guineas, but hath not paid the Land Tax, or any rates
or levies for the same.

Sworn the 13th.-day of March
1762 . Before me} W Davis One of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the
County of Leicester

Eliz: Fitchet< no role >

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