Ann Lloyd< no role >
aged 60 Years & upwards
Lodging in Bennet's Court
Drury Lane
in the
Parish of St. Clement Danes
in the Liberty of
in the County of Middx upon Oath
says she never was Married
That she lived a
hired Yearly Servant
with Lord Hindford in the
Parish of Swanscomb
in the County of Kent
Four Years at the Yearly Wages of £7 Quitted the
Same about 17 Years ago and hath not since rented
any House paid the Land Tax or Poor Rate or been
a Yearly hired Servant in any one Place for
Twelve Months together Also says that the said
Lord Hindford had a Town House in Thrift
Street Soho
and that she lived during the last
two years of her said Service wholly at his
Lordship's House at Swanscomb
coming to Town
Sworn the 21st. day of
January 1762
Before} Paul Vaillant< no role >
Saunden Welch< no role >
The Mark of
Ann Lloyd< no role >