Hannah Sharlock< no role >
aged about 53 years
Lodging in Milford Lane
in the Parish of St. Clement
in the County of Middx upon Oath saith she is the
of Joseph Sharlock< no role >
Says that since his Death
being a Widow
and without Child or Children she
lived a hired yearly Servant
with one Mrs. Salmon who
lodged in the house of Mr. Williams in New North Street
in the Parish of St. George the Martyz
by Queen Square
in the County of Middx for One year and upwards at
the yearly Wages of Four pounds Diet and Lodging
and hath quitted the Same upwards of Four years
Since which she hath not rented any House paid the
Land Tax or Poor Rate or lived a hired Servant for
One year
Sworn the 5th. day of
Decemr. 1761
Before} Tho Lane< no role >
Fran: Bedwell< no role >
Hannah Sherlock< no role >