Ann Rigby< no role >
aged about 50 Years Lodging in
St. Clement's Lane
in the Parish of St. Clement Danes
the Liberty of Westminster
upon Oath saith she is the
James Rigby< no role >
who has been Dead
Five Years to whom she was Married at the Parish
Church of St. Martin in the Fields
near Thirty Years
ago That he was a Victualler
and lived in and Rented
a House the Corner of Burlington Street
in the Parish of St. James
in the Liberty
of Westminster
for Several Years at the Yearly
Rent of Forty Pounds Also Says she was Passed from
the Parish of St. Giles in the Fields
to the said Parish
of St. James
about Three Years ago and hath not
since Rented any House or been a hired Servant for
One Year.
Sworn theday of
Octor. 1761 Before}