Frances Large< no role >
lodging at Mr Butler's in
Stanhope Street in the Parish of St. Clement Danes
Upon Oath says she is abt. Twenty Years Old and never
was Married And that she lived a hired Yearly Servt.
with said Mr. Butler in Devereux Court in the said
Parish of St. Clement Danes
for three Years at
the Yearly Wages of £6 and was discharged from
her said Service in Stanhope Street about a year
ago and has not since Rented Ten pounds a year
or paid Parish Taxes And further upon her
Voluntary Oath Says she was delivered of a
Male Bastard Child in the house of the said Mrs.
Butler in Stanhope Street on the 5th. day of May
1760. which hath since been baptized
William< no role >
that One
Robt. Godfrey< no role >
who is an Apprentice
the Kings head Tavern
in the Poultry
is the true & real father of the said Male Bastard Child
he having had carnal knowledge of her Body sevl.
times in the Month of August 1759 at One of which
times he got her with Child of the Male Bastard
Child of which she was delivered as aforesaid &
that he and no other Person did beget the same
Sworn June 13th. 1760
before} Barth: Hammond< no role >
The Mark
of Fras. Large
Upon Mr Ponten's
Complaint J: P: