Ann Sawyer< no role >
aged abt. 30
Years Upon Oath says she never was Married
and that she lived a hired Yearly Servant
with Sr.
Francis Head< no role >
: in Rathbone
in the Parish of St. Mary le Bon
the County of Middx. for three Years and upwds.
at the Yearly Wages of £5 and hath quitted
said Service abt. five Years And hath not since
Rented Ten Pounds a Year paid Parish
Taxes or lived a hired Yearly Servt. for one
Sworn this 9th. day
of Jany. 1760
. before} Barth: Hammond< no role >
Saunder Welch< no role >
Ann Sawyer< no role >
Upon the Complt.
of Mr. Burnthwaite
J: P: