passd. to
St. Geo:
Elizabeth Danford< no role >
Aged about 62 Years
on her Oath Saith that she Intermarried to
Danford< no role >
her late husband deceased at the Parish
Church of St. George Hanover Square
about thirty
three Years ago & by whom she hath
for4 Children
Living now provided for Says her said late
Husband Bought the Lease of a House in
Brook Street
in the Parish of St. George Hanover
aforesaid & which She thinks to be worth
Twelve pounds a Year if they had rented it &
paid Taxes for the said House for 11 Years or
thereabouts hath Quitted her said House about
24 Years ago since which time she never rented
House, Tenement or Lodging of Ten Pounds a
Year or done any other Act Matter or thing
whereby to the Best of this Examinants knowledge
Information or Belief she may have gained a
Settlement Elsewhere
Sworn this 13th.
day of January 1785
R. Taylor Jno. Wright< no role >
The [mark]
Elizabeth Danford< no role >