Robert Keely< no role >
aged about Sixty one Years on his Oath
says he Intermarried with
Diana< no role >
his present Wife
at the
Parish Church
of Saint George Bloomsbury
Thirteen Years ago and by whom he hath no Children
living Says he has Two Children by a former Wife both of
whom are now provided for but who are unable to
Maintain him says about Sixteen Years ago he
Intermarried to a Widow Dascombe who then and for
several Years before Rented and lived in a House in
Butcher Row
at the Yearly Rent of Twenty Two Pounds
and after his Intermarriage to the said Mr. Dascombe
the Landlord raised the Rent to Twenty four Pounds
Pr. Annum and this Examinant Rented said House
in his own Right upwards of one Year and a Quarter
and paid Parish Taxes due for the same and after
quitting the said House in Butcher Row
He never
Rented House or Tenement of any kind whatever
paid Taxes or done any other: Act whereby to gain
a Subsequent Settlement
Sworn this 8th. day
of Octr. 1779
Wm. Kitchiner< no role >
Robert [mark] Keely< no role >