William Cross< no role >
aged about Fifty Six Years on his Oath says
he Intermarried to
Mary< no role >
his Wife
at the
Parish Church
in Essex
in the Year 1752 and by whom he hath
Six Children four of whom are now provided and Two
unprovided for Namely
Samuel William< no role >
aged about
Thirteen Years and
Edward< no role >
aged about Eleven Years say's
before his Intermarriage with his said Wife and whilst he
was a Singleman he lived as a hired Yearly Servant
with one Mr. Hardell a Jeweller in
Villers Street
in the Parish of Saint Martins in the Fields
for Two Years and nine Months at the Yearly Wages of
Ten Pounds besides Bed Board & Washing hath quitted
his said Service about Twenty Six Years ago since which
time he hath gained no other Subsequent Settlement
either by Renting House or Tenement of Ten Pounds a
Year paying Taxes or otherwise howsoever
Sworn this 6th. day of
Septr. 1779
before} [..]
William Hyds< no role >
Wm. Cross< no role >