to wit
Elizabeth Dugard< no role >
aged about Twenty four Years
on her Oath says she is the Wife
Thomas Dugard< no role >
(gone from her) with whom she Intermarried at
Parish Church
of Saint Mary Lambeth
in the
County of Surry
about three Years ago and by whom
she hath four Children now living Namely
Hester< no role >
aged upwards of 4 Years born a Bastard in the sd Parish of St Mary Lambeth
Charlott< no role >
aged upwards of
Two Years
Elizth< no role >
. aged about Eighteen Months and
Mary< no role >
aged about three Months says her said
Husband before her Intermarriage with her said
Husband he lived as a hired Yearly Servant
one Mr. Ashley at
the Riding School
in the Parish
of Saint Mary Lambeth
in the County of Surry
upwards of Twelve Months at the Yearly Wages of
Five Pounds as her said Husband has often
Informed her and which Information She
Verily believes to be true and after quitting his
said Masters Service he never Rented House or
Tenement of Ten Pounds a Year paid Taxes
[..] or otherwise howsoever
Sworn this 18th. day of
Augt. 1779
Abrm Baley< no role >
R Butler
Eliz Dygud< no role >