to wit
Eliz. Tordan< no role >
Aged about Twenty five Years on her Oath
says she Inermarried with her Husband
Alexander Tordan< no role >
at the
Parish Church
of St. Katherine by the Tower
on the
Second day of Octr. in the year 1765
and by whom she his
two Children now living namely
Harriot< no role >
. Aged about
Seven Years and
Ann< no role >
Aged about four Years Says her
said Husband is gone from her and is now at Portsman
and at Present she is unable to provide for herself and
her said Children and this Examinant farther says that
her said Husband Rented and liv'd in a House in
the Green
in the Parish of St. Johns Wapping
in the County of
of the Yearly Rent of Six Pounds six shillings
and paid land Tax due for the same hath Quitted the said
house upwards of Six Years ago and hath not since he quitted
the same ever Rented house paid Taxes or done any other
Act whereby to gain a Subsequent Settlement
Sworn this 13th day
of July 1774
R. Butler William Addington< no role >
Eliz Torden< no role >