to wit Elizabeth Bridgen< no role > This name instance is in set 45243930.
Aged about Twenty
three Years on her Oath Says she never was married
Rented House or paid Taxes Says she lived a hired
Yearly Servant
with one Mr. Merrington at the
House of one Mr. Thomas a Taylor at
No. 6
in St. Johns
in the Parish of Saint James Clerkenwell
the County of Middlesex
upwards of one Year at the
hath quitted her said service upwards of five Years ago
Yearly Wages of Seven Pounds and hath not since
she quitted the same ever Rented House paid Taxes
a lived a hired Yearly Servant for one Year And
further upon her Oath says halon the 5th day of September
she was delivered of a Female Bastard Child in
the House of Mr. Miller a Hairdresser in
Wych Street
in the Parish of Saint Clement Danes
which hath since
been baptized by the Name of
Ann< no role >
Says that one
Christopher Plumley< no role > This name instance is in set 978.
a Taylor
who is now run away
is the Father thereof he having had Carnal knowledge
of her Body sometime in December 1772 & at severally
different times afterwards at one of which times he
got her with Child of the Female Child of which she
was so delivered as aforesaid and that the said
Plumley< no role >
and no other Person did beget the same and
that he is the real and true Father thereof
Sworn this 14th.
day of Decr. 1773
Tho: Kynaston< no role >
Mr. Bridson
St. James Clerkenwell
to this order & the Appeal
allowed by St. Clements
Pauper having sworn falsly
Vide fo